Stress & Anxiety

Turn Down Mental Chatter: Relaxation Techniques & Supporting Ingredients

a woman lying back closing her eyes while listening to music through headphones

Do you find yourself getting caught in a negative thought loop, ruminating about something that happened in the past or wondering about all the ‘what ifs’, worrying about the endless to-do list or indulging in a little self-criticism? We’ve all been there. Usually surfacing when we’re lying in bed at night or at 3am when we should be sleeping, this nagging mental chatter, sometimes known as the ‘monkey mind’, is a common experience. It’s believed that humans have over 60,000 thoughts every day and 90% of these are repetitive! While your inner dialogue can be one of your greatest strengths in helping you solve problems, this running-in-circles thinking can also be a source of stress and anxiety. It might be affecting your sleep and impairing your productivity and motivation. The good news is, there are many ways to quieten the nonstop chatter in your mind and enjoy a little inner peace.


Practicing meditation regularly can help to calm the mind and bring you back to the present. It can help you regulate your nervous system, manage stress, enhance mood, promote healthy sleeping patterns, and support overall wellbeing. Studies show that meditation can literally alter your brain activity.1 There are many different meditation techniques available, so it’s important to find one that resonates with you.

Some involve focusing on a mantra (a repetitive word or phrase), concentrating on your breath, a mental image, sound or an object like a candle flame. Others involve sitting in a comfortable position, lying down or even walking. You can find your preferred meditation practice through a qualified teacher or by using one of the many apps and online videos available. Try to practice at the same time each day to develop a habit, perhaps first thing in the morning or just before bed. Even 5-10 minutes a day will provide benefits.

Yoga, pilates, tai chi or qi gong

Physical relaxation techniques like yoga, tai chi and qigong involve connecting your breath and body with movement. Scientific research has found that yoga can reduce stress and anxiety, cultivate a sense of calm, improve sleeping patterns and enhance overall wellbeing as well as provide physical benefits like improving muscular strength and body flexibility.2 Tai chi can increase wellbeing and support sleep.3 Try to incorporate one of these relaxation methods into your weekly routine. You could attend a class or practice at home using an app or online video.


Breathing techniques

Focusing on your breath is another way to pause the mental chatter and trigger a relaxation response in the body. This could be beneficial as a daily practice or when you’re feeling dysregulated or stressed, like before an interview or a hard conversation. There are various breathing techniques you can try but two simple ones include box breathing and diaphragmatic breathing. Box breathing or the 4-4-4-4 breath involve inhaling for a count of 4, holding the breath for a count of 4, exhaling for a count of 4 and holding your breath out for a count of 4. Repeat the cycle 4 times.


Diaphragmatic breathing involves lying down in a comfortable position (maybe in bed at nighttime before you get you ready for sleep). Place one hand on your stomach and one hand on your chest. Slowly inhale through your nose feeling your stomach expand. Exhale through your nose and feel your stomach relax. Try to keep your chest as still as possible. Repeat for 5-10 rounds.


Other (Music, journaling, exercise and aromatherapy)

Sometimes something as simple as turning on your favourite tune and belting it out or busting a dance move can get you out of your head and into the present moment. Likewise, writing down your thoughts can help turn the volume down in your mind and help you make sense of everything. Regular exercise can help release pent-up emotions and produce feel-good endorphins. Certain scents can also have a calming effect. For example, lavender can help relax the nervous system and reduce the feeling of stress. You could diffuse a lavender essential oil at night, use a natural lavender candle while you’re working from home or use a lavender roll-on product and apply to your pulse points (wrists, temples, and side of your neck) to relax your mind.


Calming ingredients

Magnesium is a powerful ally to your nervous system. It’s involved in healthy nervous system function and helps reduce the symptoms of stress. Magnesium is also involved in muscle relaxation. Lavender can also help relieve restlessness and irritability, calm the mind, relieve mental overactivity and is traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to help mind relaxation and relieve symptoms of mild anxiety.


Ethical Nutrients Mega Magnesium Relax is meticulously crafted with easily absorbed magnesium and calming lavender to help you switch off, unwind and turn down the mental chatter. It also helps with excess nervous energy & tension, while relieving symptoms of mild anxiety as used in traditional Western herbal medicine.

The rest of the Mega Magnesium range can help with other contributing factors with Mega Magnesium Night encouraging deep, restful sleep, and Mega Magnesium Energy helping to charge internal batteries and bolster energy levels.



  1. Better Health Channel, 2015, Meditation, viewed 29 August 2023, <>
  2. Woodyard C, 2011, ‘Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life’,  Int J Yoga, vol 4, no 2, p49-54
  3. Huston P and McFarlane B, 2016, ‘Health benefits of tai chi: What is the evidence?’ Can Fam Physician, vol 62, no 11, pp881-890

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